Note-you will receive more value from the blog articles if you have begun the Self-Discovery Confidence Building Workbook. The concepts are relevant whether your concern is anxiety, depression, addictions, anger or weight issues. A lack of self-confidence and belief in the self are significant factors in all life challenges. 


I have listed 5 common concerns & challenges experienced by people who self-identify as lacking confidence. Is this an exhaustive list? Hell no.The items below summarize statements heard repeatedly throughout my years in private practice. Remember as you read, these are learned automated ways of being, fueled by distorted mindsets and not necessarily aligned with original potential. 

1. “I am not satisfied with my level of general achievement.”

  • Almost everyone who identifies as someone who lacks confidence believes that their level of achievement is subpar. There is deep knowing that the life they are living is not in keeping with their original potential (from the complimentary workbook). This knowing can lead to complacency, frustration, sadness and anger. Sometimes this knowing can also lead to adopting unhelpful coping mechanism to dull the pain. Anyone who is predisposed to depression, anxiety or addiction is at risk.


2. “I find it difficult to express myself.”

  • Many people who identify as someone who lacks confidence have some difficulty in expressing their needs and wants. This can cause havoc in personal and professional relationships. I would even go so far as to say, that those with confidence issues are often not even fully conscious of what their true needs and wants are. They may have come to live such stifled lives that they are disconnected from their true selves. Communication is a huge concern and it can often be difficult to speak up or advocate for one's self if we do not believe that our needs are valid. Sometimes we may have a history of being dismissed or shamed when we freely expressed ourselves.(see old programming in workbook). This can result in resentment and a lack of progress. Opportunities are missed and the true self retreats. 


3. “I generally do not feel likable.”

  • Individuals who have adopted identity of one who lacks confidence are often highly sensitive to the opinions of others. Yet, when we commit to becoming the confident CEO of our life and begin to craft new belief and expectations for ourselves, our own assessments take priority. By honoring who we are we build self-love and self-respect and become likable to ourselves. Not feeling likable is closely connected to comparing oneself with others. Those who identify with a non-confidence persona often compare themselves negatively with others. Comparison with others is human nature. You will read more about this in the complimentary workbook.

4.  “I do not have a clear vision of a positive future.”

  • Life lived with a lack of confidence can be draining and frustrating. This often leads to having limited mental energy for constructing a clear vision of a positive future. Survival mode depletes the crucial resources of time and energy. Little “oomph” is left over to create a meaningful, realistic but challenging vision.


5. “I let fear rule my life.”

  • Lacking confidence often means that we view ourselves as unable to cope with expectations or challenges. Fear only rules our life to the extent that we believe in our capacity to learn and grow. Seeing ourselves as learners, or what I refer to as solution focused amateur social scientists helps to push us past the belief that we cannot make significant or lasting changes. New situations can feel unbearable for someone who lacks confidence. New situations require us to move out of primitive robotic mode and be on our toes. A negative anticipation of outcomes is common for those lacking confidence. Negative anticipation over time becomes a learned pattern that creates serious obstacles to growth. Fear of embarrassment can lead to not trying new things. Fear based thinking is common for people who lack confidence. The curiosity and willingness to experiment becomes stifled. We began this life with a natural tendency to grow and expand. Yet, over time we create comfort zones to protect us from the unavoidable pain of living.

Terri Lee Cooper MSc. RSW