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Terri Lee Cooper Msc. RSW

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Note: I accept a limited number of new one to one clients throughout the year. Candidates for one to one work are highly motivated, ready to work, able to make a financial investment and willing to commit to an intensive process. Two levels of one to one programming are available. All work centers on building self-confidence, a greater belief in oneself and making real, measurable changes.

Regardless of how you have come to label your challenge (anxiety issue, anger management, depressive state, substance misuse) the root of all "problems" is the same.  

"It's not a problem, it's a project." unknown

What does it really take to create and live your best life?

Creating a better life for yourself takes a commitment to discovery and re-invention. The one to one option involves working with me for either 4 or 8 weeks as we move through a systematic process. To get a feel for whether this work is right for you please review the information below and review the philosophy of practice link.:

As human being we all have two opposing drives. These drives are often in conflict, keep us stuck and result in a range of maladaptive ways of being. These two drives are:

1. the drive to grow and expand

2. the drive to maintain the status quo

The war between these drives causes emotional and physical fatigue. We may begin to feel hopeless about ever making real progress toward our goals. This state steals our creativity, will power and energy. For many, a chronic state of frustration and disappointment eventually leads to depression, anxiety and/or the misuse of substances. These ways of being are unintended outcomes for the individual who is simply trying to lessen the pain of failure or disillusionment.

At minimum, the feeling of life not being quite right often simmers below the surface. We may avoid asking tough questions like:

-“how happy am I really, with the state of my life?”

-"how could my life be better if I had more self-control or more confidence?"

We may even “forget” what it is that makes us happy. We continue to go through life on automatic pilot and fail to question what our deepest wants and needs are, and the internal war rages on. Feeling stuck or dissatisfied with our lives ultimately tells us two important things:

1. we have disconnected from our original potential

2. we do not yet have the necessary knowledge and tools to close the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

Creating a fulfilled life that we are proud of can feel overwhelming. Yet, the decision to grow into our best selves is the only way to honor the gift of this one precious life. We do this as a service to ourselves and to those we love. We can move from a dis-empowered state to one where we feel in charge of our present and our future self. I refer to this as being the confident CEO of our lives. We build this identity, and way of being through a process of discovery, defining and doing. In effect, we commit to becoming an amateur solution-focused social scientist. Through this "project" we engage in discovery and reinvention.

The one to one program is a project that you take on with the intention of creating a better life for yourself. It leads you through a systematic process. It includes assessment, customized program design, the completion of a private 24/7 online toolbox and supportive coaching. 

Fees: 4 week program-1297. 8 week program-2497 (payment plans are available). If private work is not feasible for you at this time you may wish to consider a workshop.

For additional details please feel free to connect with me.

Terri Cooper MSc. RSW